Culture, history, nature & local food

Activity Info

  • Easy
  • 8-9 hours
  • Included
  • Included
  • Included
  • Available
  • Available


This tour will bring you close to Crete's nature, traditions, culture and history and will also give you the chance to taste and see how traditional products are made.

First you will visit three traditional mountain villages,which played a very important role during the Ottoman occupation of Crete. You will look at the traditional architecture, learn about the stories behind each building and visit an old house which has been turned into a folklore museum.

After a 10-minute walk in nature you will also enter a cave with great historical and natural importance.

Then you will join a small group of people to continue to an apiary where you will taste pure honey with local cheese and learn all about bee-keeping.

You will end up high in the mountains, in a pasture where a shepherd will be milking his sheep, producing the freshest cottage cheese you will ever taste. Finally the shepherd will prepare for you a traditional meal with lamb and rice, popular on the island for thousands of years, which you will taste while in nature.

This tour is available in: English

Activity Video